Figure 6.
Effect of different plant growth regulators combination on somatic embryogenesis. (a) Callus induced by somatic embryo induction medium SEI1. (b) Swollen embryos in somatic embryo induction medium SEI2. (c) Cup-shaped or somewhat curved-shaped initial buds emerged from the surface of swollen embryos in medium SEI2. (d) Elongating adventitious buds in subsequent cultures. (e) White cap-shaped or columnar pro-embryos arose from a disaggregated watery callus in SEI1 medium. (f) Partly dedifferentiated callus. (g,h) Growing adventitious buds from a partly dedifferentiated callus in medium SEI2. (i) Completely dedifferentiated callus characterized by white translucent gullies and bulges attached to the surface. (j–l) White cap-shaped or columnar pro-embryos arose from a disaggregated watery callus in SEI2 medium. Hundreds of pro-embryos were observed during further proliferation and laurel-green cotyledons appeared from the embryonal head. Bars 5 mm.