Figure 4.
SGK1 regulates NaV1.5 channel function. (A) Expression of SGK1-CA in HEK-NaV1.5 cells leads to increase in INa density. Inset scale = vertical: 50 pA/pF, horizontal: 2 ms. (B) SGK1 activation leads to a hyperpolarizing shift of steady state activation and inactivation curves for INa. (C) Peak sodium currents are increased with expression of SGK1-CA while inhibition of SGK1 by the dominant negative kinase dead SGK-1 (SGK1-DN) leads to decrease in INa density (*p-value < 0.005 by one way ANOVA, n = 5–11 for each condition). (D) Mutation of a novel SGK1 putative site T1590A leads to abrogation of the increase in INa with SGK1 activation. (E) Quantification of peak sodium currents (NS = non-significant change, n = 3–5 for each condition).