Figure 6.
G2A-deficient and TRPV1-deficient mice have reduced 9-HODE-dependent mechanical pain during oxaliplatin treatment. (A) Thermal pain thresholds of naive wildtype mice after (intraplantar) injection of 9-HODE (1 µM and 10 µM) into the left hind paw using a Radiant Heat Test. Shown is the mean ± SEM of PWL of n = 8 mice per group. (B) Mechanical pain thresholds of naive wildtype mice after (intraplantar) injection of 9-HODE (10 µM) into the left hind paw using a dynamic plantar aesthesiometer. Shown is the mean ± SEM of PWL of n = 6 mice per group. (C) G2A-mRNA expression in DRG of mice treated with oxaliplatin (3 mg/kg) for ten days compared to vehicle treated mice. Data presented as mean ± SEM with n = 4 mice per group; *p < 0.05 unpaired student’s t-test. (D) Mechanical pain thresholds of wildtype compared to G2A-deficient mice after treatment with oxaliplatin (3 mg/kg) over eight days. Then 9-HODE (10 µM) was injected into the left hind paw and PWL was measured again after 0.5 h, 1 h and 2 h. Shown is the mean ± SEM of PWL of the 9-HODE treated paw of n = 7 mice per group; ***p < 0.001 two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc test. (E) Mechanical pain thresholds of wildtype mice (WT) compared to TRPV1-deficient mice after treatment with oxaliplatin (3 mg/kg) using a dynamic plantar aesthesiometer over eight days. Shown is the mean ± SEM of PWL of the contralateral paw (untreated) of n = 7 mice per group; ***p < 0.001 two-way ANOVA. (F) Mechanical pain thresholds of wildtype mice compared to TRPV1-deficient mice after treatment with oxaliplatin (3 mg/kg). At day eight, 9-HODE (10 µM) was injected into the ipsilateral paw and PWL was measured again after 0.5 h, 1 h and 2 h. Shown is the mean ± SEM of PWL of the ipsilateral paw (9-HODE treated) of n = 7 mice per group; ***p < 0.001 two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc test.