Flash conditioning induces prolonged attenuation of visual perception in adult mice. A, An adult (P68–P75) mouse was placed in the arena surrounded by four screens that intermittently displayed gratings drifting leftward or rightward, and the probability that the mouse moved its head in the same direction as the drifting gratings (tracking rate) was measured. B, Tracking rates were measured 24 h before and 3 and 24 h after local application of tetrodotoxin to the V1. ***P = 1.2 × 10–4 vs. before, t8 = 6.9; paired t test. C, Tracking rates were compared 1 d before and 20 min after flash pairing with horizontally or vertically drifting gratings. **P = 7.1 × 10–3, t11 = 3.3; paired t test. D, Changes in the tracking rates 20 min, 3 h, and 24 h after pairing with horizontally drifting gratings. AP5 was locally injected into the V1 15 min before stimulus pairing (+AP5). 20 min: **P =7.1 × 10–3, t11 = 3.3; 3 h: **P = 7.7 × 10–3, t10 = 3.3; paired t test; §P = 0.029, t22 = 2.3, Student’s t test.