Figure 3.
Shizukaol F increases glucose uptake and inhibits gluconeogenesis intracellular. After treatment with the indicated concentrations of shizukaol F for 24 h. (A) Shizukaol F increased the phosphorylation of AMPKa and stimulated the GLUT-4 translocation from plasm to membrane. (B) The 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake was measured in C2C12 myotubes after treated with shizukaol F at indicated concentrations for 24 h (n = 3). **P < 0.05 (one way ANOVA). The gluconeogenesis ability in primary mouse hepatic cells was measured after treating with shizukaol F overnight. (C) Shizukaol F increased the phosphorylation of AMPKa in primary hepatocytes, and suppressed the PEPCK/G6Pase gene expression (D). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.05 (two way ANOVA). n = 3 independent biological replicate experiments. The glucose production in primary hepatocyte was measured after treated with shizukaol F overnight (E). **P < 0.05 (one way ANOVA). n = 3 independent biological replicate experiments.