Figure 7.
Thrombin inhibitors decrease dilution-induced hypercoagulation. The value of the corresponding parameter in undiluted plasma was taken as 100%. DF is a dilution factor. (a) - The increase of ETP during plasma dilution with NS decreases in the presence of AT. The final concentration of AT for each curve was constant and equal to (1) – 0; (2) – 0.145; (3) – 0.29; (4) – 0.58; and (5) – 0.87 IU/ml (n = 5–9). The ETP in diluted plasma differed from that in starting plasma in each series of experiments significantly beginning from DF = 1.5 for all the concentrations of AT, excepting 0.87 IU/ml (ANOVA, P < 0.05). The difference between the curves with and without AT was significant for DF = 2.5, 3 (curve 2); DF = 2, 2.5, 3 (curves 3 and 4); and DF = 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 (curve 5). (b) – Changes of ETP in plasma diluted with NS supplemented with different concentrations of the direct thrombin inhibitor HC-025s-IOC. The concentration of the inhibitor in PE was equal to: (1) – 0; (2) – 0.25; (3) – 0.5; and (4) – 1 µМ (n = 3). Coagulation was activated using TF (4 pM). The difference between the initial plasma and the same diluted plasma was significant for all DFs at any concentration of inhibitor (ANOVA, P < 0.05). The difference between the curves in the presence and absence of inhibitor was significant for all the curves, excluding curves 2 and 3 at DF = 1.5. (c) - Initial clot growth rate (Vi) under plasma dilution with NS in the presence of different concentrations of thrombin inhibitors, and under the different methods of coagulation activation (n = 3 pools, each of 3 plasma samples). (1) - Contact activation (glass, n = 3); (2) - contact activation and AT in all the samples at the concentration of 0.87 IU/ml (n = 3); (3) – activation by TF (4 pM, n = 3); (4) – activation by TF and dilution with NS containing 8 µМ of the thrombin inhibitor HC-025s-IOC (n = 3). The mean values ± SD are shown. All the obtained differences were significant (α = 0.05 and statistical power of 80%) excluding the difference between curves 1 and 2 at DF = 1.5.