Figure 1. Schematic drawing of Ca2+ movement through pancreatic acinar cells.
Ca2+ moves from the extracellular solution (extreme right) via store‐operated CRAC channels, SERCA pumps, ER, IP3Rs and PMCA pumps into the acinar lumen (extreme left). Diffusion of Ca2+ from the base of the cell to the apical pole occurs quantitatively inside the ER rather than in the cytosol because of the much higher Ca2+ binding capacity in the cytosol than in the ER lumen. Ca2+ released from the ER in the apical part of the cell via IP3Rs activates Cl− channels (ANO1) in the luminal acinar plasma membrane. ANO1, anoctamin‐1; CRAC channel, Ca2+ release‐activated Ca2+ channel; IP3R, inositol trisphosphate receptor; PMCA, plasma membrane Ca2+‐activated ATPase; SERCA, sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ activated ATPase.