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. 2017 Apr 19;7:950. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00895-1

Table 1.

Name, origin and phytoplasma status of the tissue samples analyzed in this study.

Symptomatic Samplesa Tissue Sampled inb Phytoplasma status
F2nR2d cpn60 UT LAMPe
 S26b-GP-MA Green petal M-A + + +
 S26b-P-MA Fruit peduncle M-A NTf,g NT +
 S26b-F-MA Fruit pulp M-A NTg NT +
 S27b-GP-MA Green petal M-A + + +
 S31b-L-MA Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-A + + +
 S31b-GP-MA Green petal M-A NTg + +
 S31b-P-MA Fruit peduncle M-A NTg NT +
 S31b-F-MA Fruit pulp M-A NTg NT +
 S267-GP-MA Green petal M-A NTg
 S267-P-MA Fruit peduncle M-A NTg NT
 S267-F-MA Fruit pulp M-A NTg NT
 S289-L-MA Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-A + + +
 S289-GP-MA Green petal M-A NTg NT
 S289-P-MA Fruit peduncle M-A NTg + +
 S289-F-MA Fruit pulp M-A NTg NT
 S01-L-MA Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-A
 S01-P-MA Fruit peduncle J-A + + +
 S02-P-JA Fruit peduncle J-A
 S03-P-JB Fruit peduncle J-B
 S04-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + + +
 S05-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + + +
 S05-P-MB Fruit peduncle M-B + + +
 S06-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + + +
 S06-P-MB Fruit peduncle M-B + +
 S07-P-JC Fruit peduncle J-C + + +
 S08-L-JA Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-A
 S09-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + + +
 S09-P-MB Fruit peduncle M-B + + +
 S10-L-JC Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-C + + +
 S10-P-JC Fruit peduncle J-C + + +
 S11-L-JC Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-C + + +
 S12-P-JC Fruit peduncle J-C + + +
 S13-L-JC Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-C + + +
 S14-P-JA Fruit peduncle J-A
 S15-L-JA Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-A +
 S16-P-JA Fruit peduncle J-A
 S17-P-JA Fruit peduncle J-A
 S18-P-JA Fruit peduncle J-A
 S19-L-JD Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-D + + +
 S19-P-JD Fruit peduncle J-D + + +
 S20-L-JD Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-D
 S21-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + + +
 S21-P-MB Fruit peduncle M-B + + +
 S22-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + +
 S22-P-MB Fruit peduncle M-B + + +
 S23-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + + +
 S24-P-JB Fruit peduncle J-B
 S25-L-JC Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-C + + +
 S25-P-JC Fruit peduncle J-C + + +
 S26-L-JA Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-A + + +
 S26-P-JA Fruit peduncle J-A +
 S27-P-JA Fruit peduncle J-A
 S28-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + + +
 S29-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B
 S30-P-MB Fruit peduncle M-B
 S31-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + + +
 S32-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + + +
 S33-L-MB Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-B + + +
 S34-L-MC Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-C
 S35-L-MD Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-D +
 S36-L-ME Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-E +
 S37-P-MD Fruit peduncle M-D
 S38-L-MF Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-F +
 S39-L-MG Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-G
 S40-L-MH Midrib of green leaves with red margin M-H
 S41-L-JB Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-B + + +
 S41-P-JB Fruit peduncle J-B + + +
 S42-L-JB Midrib of green leaves with red margin and Fruit peduncle J-B + + +
 S43-L-JB Midrib of green leaves with red margin J-B + + +
 P83-L-SLP Midrib of green leaves SLP-A + + +
 P86-L-SLP Midrib of green leaves SLP-A + + +
 R01-L-MA Green leaves M-A + + +
 R01-P-MA Fruit peduncle M-A + + +
 R02-L-MA Green leaves M-A + +
 R03-L-MA Green leaves M-A + +
 R04-L-MB Green leaves M-B +
 R05-L-MC Green leaves M-C + + +
 R06-L-MC Green leaves M-C + +
 R07-L-MC Green leaves M-C +
 R08-L-MC Green leaves M-C + + +
 Bl01-L-JA Yellow leaves J-A + + +
 Bl02-L-JB Leaves showing red margin J-B +
 Bk01-L-JC Green leaves J-C + +
 Bk02-L-JD Green leaves J-D + + +
 Bk03-L-MD Green leaves M-D + +
 Bk04-L-ME Green leaves dry M-E

aSymptoms observed in strawberry and periwinkle plants were previously described30. Blackberry and raspberry plants showed small leaves and green structures in the fruits; blueberry plants showed yellow leaves and leaves with red margins (Figure S1). bMichoacan samples: 20.002°N, 102.3089°W; San Luis Potosi samples: 22.2°N, 100.1°W; Jalisco samples: 20.34°N 103.41°W. A total of 11 commercial farms located among the three states mentioned above were visited to collect the symptomatic samples. cPCR using primers R16F2n/R16R231 to amplify the F2nR2 sequence and H279p/H280p12 to amplify the cpn60 UT sequence. dNested PCR was performed on the samples collected in 2015, with P1/P7 primers in the first reaction32, 33, and R16F2n/R16R2 in the nested reaction31. Samples collected in 2014 were analyzed with direct PCR targeting the F2nR2 fragment. eLAMP using primers and conditions described in Table 1. fNT, not tested. gSample was negative using 16S-targeted primers P1/Tint8.