Figure 1.
Anterior Segment and Intraocular Pressure Changes in DBA/2J Mice with Age
(A) In vivo confocal microscopy images of the anterior segments of DBA/2J mice, including the corneal superficial epithelium (column 1), basal epithelium (column 2), stroma (column 3), endothelium (column 4), and iris (column 5), for DBA/2J mice aged 2 months (row 1), 4 months (row 2), 8 months (row 3), and 12 months (row 4). For each age group, usually four mice were evaluated over time. The black and white arrowheads indicate changes in the cornea and the iris during aging. (B) Male DBA/2J and C57BL/6J mice aged between 2 and 14 months were subjected to noninvasive IOP measurements that were performed monthly on both eyes during daylight. The histogram shows the means ± SEMs, as well as the age in months (m) and the number of eyes evaluated in each group. Although IOP measurements can differ between the right and left eyes in some animals, the data shown did not discriminate between the values for individual eyes. The p values were calculated with respect to measurements collected from 2-month-old DBA/2J mice; only the values close to significance or significant are shown (for mice aged 7–12 months).