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. 2017 May 15;29:12. doi: 10.1186/s40557-017-0170-3

Table 1.

Characteristics of the pregnant workers according to the variable “at least one sick leave” (SL) during pregnancy

SL no SL p-value
(N = 1113) (N = 373)
N % Mean sd N % Mean sd
Age (y) 30.6 4.5 31.1 4.4 0.08
Age group
  < 25 y 108 9.8 27 7.4 0.18
 25- < 30 y 408 37.1 122 33.3
 30- < 35 y 405 36.9 151 41.3
  ≥ 35 y 178 16.2 66 18.0
Family structure
 Living with a partner (yes) 1063 96.5 352 95.4 0.31
 Children at home
  0 child 577 52.1 196 52.8 0.91
  1 child 449 40.5 146 39.4
   ≥ 2 children 82 7.4 29 7.8
Home-work commuting
  > 50 min/d (yes) 248 23.2 77 21.3 0.45
 In car (yes) 1022 92.7 348 94.0 0.38
Home-work commuting felt as difficult
 Yes 245 22.3 48 13.0 <0.001
 EPICES score ≥ 30 (yes) 231 22.0 61 17.7 0.08
Occupational groups
 Managers/supervisors 93 8.4 51 13.7 0.001
 Intermediate occupations 374 33.6 91 24.4
 Employees 591 53.1 216 57.9
 Manual workers 55 4.9 15 4.0
Type of contract
 Non-fixed term (yes) 1508 96.1 342 92.9 0.01
Working time
 Full-time (yes) 868 78.8 300 81.3 0.31
Job duration
  < 2 years (yes) 239 21.6 90 24.4 0.27
Company size
  < 10 workers 253 23.0 114 31.2 <0.001
 10 - 49 workers 332 30.2 137 37.4
  ≥ 50 -199 workers 295 26.8 83 22.7
  ≥ 200 workers 219 19.9 32 8.7
Pregnancy at risk
 Yes 334 30.3 34 9.2 <0.001
Assisted reproductive therapy
 Yes 84 7.6 13 3.5 0.006

N number, y years, min minutes, d day, sd standard deviation