Figure 2.
Experiments in Guinea. (a) Picture of the transportable equipment: heating device and optical system of detection fixed in a suitcase. (b) Amplification curve for a negative patient sample (green diamonds) and its related positive (black triangles) and negative (grey crosses) controls measured with the instrumentation presented in (a). (c) Amplification curve for a positive patient sample (green diamonds) and its related positive (black triangles) and negative (grey crosses) controls measured with the instrumentation presented in (a). (d) ROC curve related to sample tests (n = 43) analysis only when positive/negative controls on the same paper well give the expected results (black triangles). The Area Under Curve (AUC) parameter is calculated to 0.78 and a selected threshold (in red) gives a sensitivity and a specificity respectively to 90.0% and 60.8%. (e) Compared results between RT-RPA on paper (end value difference between the sample test and the negative control) and qRT-PCR in microtubes (quantification cycle) for positive Guinean samples (black rings) (n = 20). The red line represents the threshold value determined in (d).