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. 2017 May 12;7:1827. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-01690-8

Table 1.

Mean grain yield, its components, and harvest index as affected by different CO2 concentrations and genotypes averaged for two years (2012 and 2013).

CO2 Concentration Genotype Grain Yield (g m−2) Spikelet number (× 103 m−2) Panicle number (m−2) Spikelet number (panicle−1) Percentage of filled spikelets (%) 1000-grain weight (g) Harvest Index
CO2 concentration (C)
FACE 813 47.0 333 143 85.4 20.5 0.41
Ambient 702 44.4 326 138 77.6 20.6 0.40
Genotype (G)
Koshihikari 735b 40.5c 358a 113c 86.5a 21.0a 0.39b
CSSL-GN1 724b 51.3a 322b 160a 72.9b 19.4b 0.39b
NIL-APO1 814a 45.3b 308b 147b 85.0a 21.1a 0.43a
C × G
FACE Koshihikari 763b 40.6 358 114 89.2 21.1 0.40b
CSSL-GN1 791abA 53.4 328 163 78.0 19.1 0.40bA
NIL-APO1 886aA 47.0 313 151 89.0 21.2 0.43a
Ambient Koshihikari 708ab 40.3 359 113 83.9 21.0 0.39b
CSSL-GN1 656bB 49.3 316 157 67.7 19.7 0.38cB
NIL-APO1 743aB 43.5 304 144 81.0 21.1 0.42a
CO2 concentration (C) NS NS NS NS ** NS §
Genotype (G) ** ** ** ** ** ** **
C × G * NS NS NS NS ** §

*Significant at P < 0.05. **Significant at P < 0.01. Means within a column followed by the same lowercase letter do not differ significantly (P < 0.05). Means within a column followed by the same lowercase letter do not differ significantly (P < 0.05) among genotypes for a given CO2 concentration. Means within a column followed by the same uppercase letter do not differ significantly (P < 0.05) between CO2 concentrations for a given genotype. §Significant at P < 0.10. Not significant at P < 0.10.