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. 2017 Feb 23;8:2. doi: 10.1038/s41467-016-0013-x

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Thermal and optical properties associated with radiative heat transfer. a Dependence of the radiative heat transfer power (HTP) on the separation distance d between two graphene nanodisks (solid curves) compared with two gold nanodisks (dashed curves, disk thickness t = 2 nm). All disks are 20 nm in diameter. The HTP is plotted for different values of T 1 (see legend), while the cold disk is at ambient temperature T 2 = 300 K. The arrows indicate the HTP between two blackbodies of an area equal to that of the present disks and placed at temperatures T 1 and T 2. Both graphene nanodisks are assumed to be doped with the same Fermi energy E F1 = E F2 = 0.2 eV and described by the local-RPA conductivity (see Methods). b Optical absorption cross-section σ abs normalized to the graphene area for one of the graphene disks considered in a as a function of photon energy ω and temperature T. The dashed line corresponds to Wien’s law, ω2.82kBT. c Temperature dependence of the electronic heat capacity for one of the graphene (blue curve, see Methods) and gold (red curve, taken from ref. 91) nanodisks considered in a. d Illustrative example of the femtosecond dynamics of the electronic thermal energy in two graphene nanodisks under the conditions of a for a separation d = 1 nm, with initial temperatures T 1 = 1,000 K and T 2 = 300 K. The electronic thermal energy is shown for both the initially hot (orange curve) and cold (cyan curve) nanodisks, as well as their sum (black curve)