(A) Alignment of bHLH domains of the ATHs used in this study. The bHLH domains of the three proneural TF families are characterized by the presence of family-specific AA (marked with * and ∨). Asterisks: AA distinguishing ATHs from members of the Neurogenin family (Quan et al., 2004). (B) Phylogenetic position of the selected homologues and evolutionary relationship of the control proteins. The black tree shows the phylogeny of the organisms. The red dashed tree shows the relationships between protein families. The diagrams show the primary structures of the proteins; the bold box is the bHLH domain, numbers indicate the length of the protein outside the bHLH domain. Green tick: homozygous viable stocks , orange tick: semi-viable, red cross: absence of unbalanced flies. Dm: Drosophila melanogaster; Mm: Mus musculus; Bf: Branchiostoma floridae; Pd: Platynereis dumerilii; Aq: Amphimedon queenslandica. (C) Schema of the improved IMAGO approach (Choi et al., 2009). See also Figure 1—figure supplement 1.