Analysis of significant (p < 0.05) 2-fold up- and down-regulated genes after 48h treatment with ICG-001 revealed no Wnt-phenotype in KNS42, SF188 and UW479 pedHGG cell lines. (A) Venn diagram analyses showing commonly and individually up- and downregulated genes by ICG-001. (B) Heat map illustrating the top 50 regulated genes, red marked genes are commonly changed in KNS42, SF188 and UW479 glioma cells. (C) GO-enrichment analyses depicting the fold discovery rate (FDR) of the top 20 enriched biological processes of all significantly 2-fold downregulated genes. (D) qPCR analyses proving the regulation of JDP2 and GADD25A by ICG-001 in three pedHGG cell lines, as indicated (DMSO control was set to 1; * p < 0.05; data are represented as mean of three independent, biological replicates +SEM). (E) ICG-001 regulates JDP2 expression that is predictive for patients survival as shown by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis with the following patient numbers per group JDP2: low = 31, high = 30.