Algorithm 1.
Enhanced longitudinal multishape evolution prediction from baseline
1: | INPUTS: The longitudinal mean atlases , the set of training baseline vertices , the baseline testing multishape M0 = (S0; F0), and . |
2: | Initialize and for i ∈ 2 {0; …; N}. |
3: | Initialize ε as the mean distance between S0 and plus its standard deviation. |
4: | for every vertex μ in the reconstructed baseline shape do |
5: | if its 3D position x is located outside the ε–neighborhood from S0 then |
Update x using surface topography-based selection criteria. | |
* For each unchecked adjacent face ξ to μ, use the fiber-to-surface selection criterion to identify the most similar corresponding training face in fiber properties to the testing face. Mark this face as ‘checked’. | |
* Retrieve the dynamic feature for μ as at each timepoint. | |
* Retrieve the spatiotemporal connectivity features for the selected deforming training face (set of fibers that hit at timepoint, then . | |
6: | else |
Implement * while using projections of both training and testing fibers on their corresponding surfaces (no need to use the atlas for mutliprojections in this case). | |
7: | end if |
8: | end for |
9: | OUTPUT: Set of predicted multishapes at timepoints ti. |