Table 2.
Comparison of the types of calcium oxalate crystals and content of the toxic substance found in plant organs
Species | Types of crystals in leaves | Types of crystals in stems | Content of toxic substances | Poisonous organs |
Cynanchum acutum L. | Druse and prismatic | Druse | Vincetoksin glycoside (Öztürk et al. 2008) | Entire plant (Öztürk et al. 2008) |
Tribulus terrestris L. | Druse | Druse | Three sapogenins (Diosgenin, ruscogenin, gitogenin) (Fuller and McClintock 1986) | Entire Plant (Fuller and McClintock 1986) |
Hedera helix L. | Druse | Druse | Hederin glycoside, Hederagenin, and other triterpene saponins, sesquiterpenes, falcarinol (Fuller and McClintock 1986; Wink 2009) | Entire plant, especially leaves and fruits (Wink 2009) |
Saponaria officinalis L. | Druse | Druse | Saponin Glycoside (triterpene saponins) (Wink 2009) | Entire plant especially seeds (Muca et al. 2012) |
Humulus lupulus L. | Druse | Druses and Crystal sands | Non poisonous (Baytop 1999) | Non poisonous (Baytop 1999) |
Nerium oleander L. | Druse | Druse and Prismatic | Oleandrin glycoside and several other cardenolides (Wink 2009) | Entire plant (Wink 2009) |
Hypericum perforatum L. | Absent | Absent | Hypericin , Glyco-Alkaloid (Fuller and McClintock 1986) | Entire plant, especially leaves and flowers (Fuller and McClintock 1986) |
Aristolochia clematitis L. | Absent | Absent | Aristolochic acid and related alkaloids, aristolohin alkaloid magnoflorine (Wink 2009) | Entire plant (Wink 2009) |
Chelidonium majus L. | Absent | Absent | Chelidonine, sanguinarine, berberine and other isoquinoline alkaloids (Wink 2009) | All parts (Wink 2009) |