Fig. 1.
Multiple alignment of the deduced amino acid sequence of BnaABF2 and its homologs. The alignment was built by using ClustalX 1.81 and GeneDoc 3.2 tools. Identical and similar amino acids were shaded in black and gray, respectively. The basic-leucine zipper bZIP region was shown by black line. BnaABF2 (CCE88374), BnaABF1 (AGG35955), BnaABF3 (AGG35956) and BnaABF4 (AGG35957) are from rapeseed (Brassica napus). AtABF2 (NP_001185157) is from Arabidopsis thaliana. OsABF2 (DI201490) is from Oryza sativa. NtABF2 (AHD24943) is from Nicotiana tobacum. PtABF2 (ABN58425) is from Populus trichocarpa