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. 2017 May 16;12:24. doi: 10.1186/s13011-017-0107-4

Table 1.

Description of STTR CJ cohort studies including research topics, targeted study participants, and HIV status of participants

Study Enrollment start date Treatment cascade Research topic Targeted study participants HIV, %
 BRIGHT 1 2011 S, T HIV testing On probation or parole 0.1
 BRIGHT 2 2011 Tr, R Linkage to HIV care via intensive CM HIV-infected; on probation or parole 100
 RCT 2013 Tr, R Linkage to HIV care via multi-component intervention HIV-infected; in jail or recently released 100
 HCV RIDOC 2012 S, T Rapid HCV testing using pre-test video counseling Short-term detainees; unknown HCV status N/A
 HCV PROB 2014 S, T Rapid HCV testing using pre-test video counseling On probation or parole; unknown HCV status N/A
IMPACT 2012 Tr, R Linkage to HIV care and engagement in clinical care via multi-component intervention HIV-infected inmates; RNA levels <400 copies/mL, on ART; 3 months prior to prison release 100
LINK LA 2012 Tr, R Linkage to HIV care via peer-based intervention HIV-infected; in jail 100
NEW HOPE 2011 Tr, R Medication assisted treatment for substance abuse HIV-infected; opiate dependent; leaving prison & jail 100
STT 2013 S, T, Tr, R HIV testing and linkage to HIV care Jail detainees 0.4
 OPT OUT 2012 S, T HIV testing In jail N/A
 CM JAIL 2013 Tr, R Linkage to, and retention in HIV care via transition CM HIV-infected; leaving jail 100
 CM PRISON 2013 Tr, R Linkage to, and retention in HIV care via transition CM HIV-infected; recently released from prison 100
START 2011 S, T HIV testing and risk reduction Substance users entering drug treatment program N/A
 STRIDE 1 2011 Tr, R Medication assisted treatment for substance abuse HIV-infected; opiate dependent 100
 STRIDE 2 2014 Tr, R Medication assisted treatment for substance abuse HIV-infected; opiate dependent 100
SUCCESS 2014 Tr, R Linkage to, and retention in, HIV care via intensive CM HIV-infected; jail detainees 100
 UHS IIC 2011 S, T HIV testing People who inject drugs or smoke crack cocaine 3.3
 UHS IIL 2011 Tr, R Linkage to and engagement in HIV care via CM People who inject drugs or smoke crack cocaine and have HIV 100

ART antiretroviral therapy, CJ criminal justice, CM case management, N/A not applicable, HCV hepatitis C virus, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, R retain, RNA ribonucleic acid, S seek, STTR seek, test, treat and retain, T test, Tr treat, US United States