(a) EL spectra of a second QD, acquired with a double
equipped with two 1200 l/mm gratings (spectral resolution ∼30
μeV). The two spectra correspond to two orthogonal polarization
directions. Only the bright line marked by arrows (with a line width
of 58 μeV) is used in the following measurement. (b) HBT setup
used to extract the second-order correlation function, g(2)(τ), of the EL emitted by a single QD embedded in the Q-LED.
A 75 mm long 87Rb vapor cell is inserted in one of the
arms of the setup. (c) Black: g(2)(τ) measurement
of the EL emission when the photon energy is tuned off resonance with
respect to the 87Rb D2 transitions. Red and
blue: g(2)(τ) values when the photon energy is tuned
on resonance with the 87Rb D2 lines and the
Rb cell temperature is 96 (red), and 100 °C (blue). The corresponding
minimum values of g(2)(τ), reached at a TRb-dependent delay time τc(TRb) are 0.15, 0.44, and 0.53 for the data displayed in
of the black, red, and blue, respectively. The gradual increase of
τc and of g(2)(τc) with
increasing TRb comes from the dispersion
of the atomic optical medium. This leads to slow light and, due to
the finite line width of our photon source, to time-jitter and consequent
broadening of the g(2)(τ) curve.