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. 2017 May 9;6:e21660. doi: 10.7554/eLife.21660

Figure 5. Specific nanostructures of 2.5 kb MB-labeled Nanog enhancer in mESC nuclei.

(a) Fluorescence spectrophotometry measurements of 34 individual Nanog_MB probes (numbered 1–34 in the x-axis) in FISH hybridization buffer with excessive amounts of the corresponding CS (gray bars) or NCSs (black bars) at room temperature. Representative results show the inhibition of non-specific fluorescence was 15.8 ± 5.9% compared to the fluorescence reading in the presence of CS. Error bars, SEM. CS: complementary sequence, NCSs: non-complementary sequences. (b) Fluorescence spectrophotometry measurements of 34 individual Nanog_MB probes in the FISH hybridization buffer with excessive amounts of the corresponding CS (solid line with circles) or NCSs (dashed lines with triangles) at different temperatures. Averaged fluorescence readings of the whole probe set are presented for each temperature decreasing from 46°C to 14°C (x-axis). Representative results are shown from three independent experiments. Error bars, SEM. CS: complementary sequence, NCSs: non-complementary sequences. (c) PCR confirmation of homozygous knockout of MB-labeled Nanog enhancer from both alleles. Using primers targeting the endogenous 2.5 kb Nanog_MBs target region (lanes 1–3), a 2.5 kb electrophoretic band was amplified from genomic DNA of WT mESCs (lane 2) but not from HoKO mESCs (lane 1) or PCR mixture without any template (lane 3). Using primers targeting a 1.1 kb portion of mouse Actb gene (lane 4–6), a 1.1 kb PCR product was amplified from genomic DNA in both cells (lane 4 and 5). Lane Marker: the different sized (bp) DNA ladder bands are shown on the left of gel picture. (d) Representative specific nanostructures of MB-labeled 2.5 kb endogenous enhancer in Nanog locus in CJ9 mESCs (Cell I to VI). The conventional view of a cellular region in bright field (outlined in red) or excited by 405 nm or 641 nm lasers are shown in the top three rows (rows A, B, and C), respectively. The nanostructures were identified from the drift corrected STORM images corresponding to the green box region in conventional images (row D). Zoomed views of the white boxed regions in row D reveal more detailed morphology of the detected 3D structures (bottom row) with the localization number of each nanostructure shown in the lower-right corner. Each localization number represents the detected times of the Alexa-647 fluorophores labeled on DNA during the entire imaging process. STORM images are shown with rainbow color-coded z-axis information (color bar at the bottom, −350 to 350 nm). Three representative fluorescent dots visible under 641 nm laser excitation but not identified as specific nanostructures in STORM reconstruction are highlighted by blue arrows in panel C of Cell III. Scale bars are 1 μm in top three rows and 300 nm in bottom two rows. (e) Histograms of the normalized number of counts detected (Normalized intensity) along the cross-sections defined by the red lines (i–vi) in the STORM images in (d). Values of FWHM indicate the features above each structure along the transverse positions with 1D Gaussian fit.


Figure 5—source data 1. Design of 34 specific MBs (Nanog_MBs) for labeling the 2.5 kb Nanog enhancer in Nanog locus in mESC nuclei.
Design of 34 Nanog_MBs is shown in the table. Each Nanog_MB was a 56-nt oligonucleotide composed of a 42-nt hybridizing region (upper-cased) and two 7-nt flanking arms (lower-cased). The hybridizing region melting temperature (hybridizing region Tm) was the temperature at which the hybridizing region dissociated from the complementary target sequence in the genome (denoted as sense/antisense stand as +/-). The arm melting temperature (arm Tm) was the temperature at which the two flanking arms dissociated from each other. The melting temperature (Tm) values were obtained from DINAMelt’s online ‘Quickfold Prediction’ tool. All MB sequences were BLASTed against the mouse genome and transcripts, and the maximum identical sequence was restrained to 25 nt.
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.21660.013
Figure 5—source data 2. Source data for 5a and b.
Fluorescence spectrophotometry measurements of 34 individual Nanog_MB probes in FISH hybridization buffer with excessive amounts of the corresponding CS or NCSs at room temperature or averaged reading of the whole probe set at different temperature (46°C to 14°C).
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.21660.014

Figure 5.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1. Identification of nuclear periphery of mESCs by conventional co-imaging using bright field and DAPI staining.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1.

WT and HoKO ESC samples, similarly prepared to those used in the STORM imaging, were mounted in medium containing DAPI and imaged under bright field and 405 nm laser excitation. Representative merged images of bright field and DAPI in the same field of WT (left panel) or HoKO (right panel) cells show the nuclear peripheries visualized from DAPI staining were very close to cell surface (outlined in red). Scale bars are 20 μm.
Figure 5—figure supplement 2. Sequence of endogenous DNA with 34 sites for specific MB probes (Nanog_MBs) within the 2.5 kb target region.

Figure 5—figure supplement 2.

Sense strand sequence of the 2.5 kb endogenous DNA in Nanog locus (Chr6: 122612623–122615179, mm9) are shown as 100 bp per line. The 24 underlined sequences represented the hybridizing region sequences for 24 specific Nanog_MBs, which were designed to bind to the antisense strand of the genome. The 10 bolded sequences represent the specific binding sites for 10 specific Nanog_MBs.
Figure 5—figure supplement 3. Sequence information of allele identified in homozygous knockout (HoKO) ESC clone.

Figure 5—figure supplement 3.

(a) The genomic sequences of wild-type (WT) and the expected Nanog enhancer knockout (KO) ESCs are displayed at the upper panel. Targeting sites of the sgRNA pair are highlighted in blue and the corresponding PAM sites are underlined. The target deletion of Nanog enhancer (Chr6: 122612568–122615591, 3023 bp, mm9) was shown as dashes. (b) The chromatogram data of genome region flanking the target deletion is shown at the bottom panel with the blank triangle pointing out the precise target excision in the genome of HoKO ESCs.
Figure 5—figure supplement 4. A representative of identified nanostructure or excluded fluorescence noise and their corresponding appearances in 641 nm conventional imaging.

Figure 5—figure supplement 4.

(a) Cellular views of bright-field or 405 nm or 641 nm conventional imaging are presented from left to right, respectively. It is the 4th cell from Figure 5d with red line indicating cellular outline. The boxes showed two different regions with dotted (i) or no obviously recognizable (ii) structure in 641-conventional imaging. (b) Reconstructed STORM images of regions corresponding to yellow (i) or green (ii) box in (a) are shown as upper row, and zoomed-in views present in lower row with localization number shown in the lower-right corner. Discontinuous clusters with extremely low number of localizations is observed in the yellow box(i) whereas continuous fine-scale nanostructure is identified in the green box (ii). STORM images are presented as rainbow color-coded z-axis information (color bar at the bottom, −350 to 350 nm). Scale bars in (a) and (b) are 1 μm and 300 nm, respectively.