Figure 1. Balance between sleep drive and sex drive determines male sleep levels.
(A) Sleep profile in 30 min intervals for wild-type (iso31) flies in isolation (M for male, F for female) or in pairs (MM for male-male, MF for male-female) using multi-beam monitors. Corresponding data using single-beam monitors are shown in Figure 1—figure supplement 1. In all figures, the white and black bars below the x-axis indicate light and dark periods, respectively. N = 29–44. (B) Daytime and nighttime sleep amount of flies shown in (A). (C) Nighttime sleep profile in 5 min bins each hour for wild-type (iso31) flies from video analysis. Sleep amount was manually scored for the first 5 min of each hour for individual males (M w/ F) or females (F w/ M) in MF pairs or individual males in MM pairs (M w/ M). Collective sleep amount of MM and MF pairs, i.e., when both flies were asleep, is presented on the right. N = 15–24. (D) Percentage of three types of male behavior, i.e., sleep, courtship, and wake but not courtship, during the 5 min bins shown in (C). In all figures, error bars represent SEM; *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ns = not significant. Two-way ANOVA (B) or one-way ANOVA (C) followed by Tukey post hoc test. Significance of the interaction between the two factors (single vs pair and presence vs absence of a female) is indicated in (B). Sleep amounts obtained for 5 min intervals were summed for ANOVA in (C) and significant differences between conditions are indicated above the brackets. Sleep amount was not significantly different between individual males and females in MF pairs (M w/ F vs F w/ M).