Table 3.
Description of measurements taken from the dugong scapula (see Fig. 3).
Acronym | Measurement | Description of measurements |
CaSBW | Caudal scapular border width | Distance from the caudal angle of the scapula to the superior edge of the caudal scapular notch |
GCL | Glenoid cavity length | Maximum length of the glenoid cavity |
GCW | Glenoid cavity width | Maximum width of the glenoid cavity |
SA1 | Scapular angle 1 | Angle of the scapula from lateral view |
SA2 | Scapular angle 2 | Angle of the scapula from caudal view |
SGH | Supraglenoid tubercle height | Maximum height from highest to lowest border of the supraglenoid tubercle |
SL | Scapular length | Maximum length from dorsal border to the lowest ventral angle of the scapula |
SN | Scapular narrow | Minimum width of the scapula |
SNW | Scapular notch width | Maximum width of the caudal scapular notch |
SW | Scapular width | Maximum width of the scapula, measured from the most cranial to caudal scapular border |