FIG. 3.
Immediate transcriptional changes occur upon degradation of Asf1p. Strains SRH015 (WT) and SRH014 (Asf1-Pest) were grown in galactose medium and arrested with alpha factor. At time zero, the cells were released into glucose media and samples for microarray analysis were taken at the indicated times. (A) Western blot showing Asf1p levels in both the Asf1-Pest and WT strains throughout the time course. (B) DNA content of yeast at each time point. (C) Hierarchical clustering of genes showing changed expression profiles in Asf1-Pest compared to WT in all three independent microarray time courses. (D and E) RT-PCR confirmation of transcriptional changes following degradation of Asf1. The histograms show the average of four independent experiments and the error bars represent the 95% confidence interval for the measurement. (D) RT-PCR of SRL3 shows increased transcription in Asf1-Pest over WT in time points 60, 75, and 150, which is what was observed in the microarrays. (E) RT-PCR of HYR1 shows increased transcription in Asf1-Pest over WT in all time points after t = 0, the same as what was observed in the microarrays.