Generation of liver-specific DsbA-L knockout mice. A) Schematic representation showing construction of DsbA-L targeting vector. B) Genotyping PCR showing 5′ (top) and 3′ (bottom) loxP site insertion with primers indicated. Primer sequences are as follows: primer a, 5′-CTGGATGGCTTCTGTTAGAG-3′; primer b, 5′-AAGACTGCCACTCTGCAATG-3′; primer c, 5′-AGGGATGGGAGAAGCAAGAAC-3′; primer d, 5′-GGATGGAGGACCGTGTCATC-3′). C) Genotyping PCR for albumin-Cre transgenic mice. D) DNA were extracted from primary hepatocytes, and PCR was performed to confirm successful loxP site recombination mediated by Cre with primers a and d, as indicated in A. E) Western blots confirmed generation of DsbA-LLKO (LKO) mice.