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. 2016 Sep 28;27(2):478–487. doi: 10.1111/jora.12281

Table 1.

Outline of the Study Variables: Original Questions and Response Options. Alpha Values From Reliability Analyses (n = 49,172)

Latent Factors Items Original Questions/Statements Response Options
Parental support Praise from parents They praise me when I do something good
  1. Applies very poorly

  2. Applies rather poorly

  3. Applies rather well

  4. Applies very well

Boys age 15, α = .80 Encourage They usually encourage and support me
Girls age 15, α = .82 Notice My parents notice if I do something good
Boys age 17, α = .82 Care I care about what my parents say
Girls age 17, α = .84 Example My parents are an example to me
Teacher support Praise from teachers Teachers praise students who do something good at school
  1. Applies very poorly

  2. Applies rather poorly

  3. Applies rather well

  4. Applies very well

Boys age 15, α = .72 Decision Students take part in making decisions on things that are important to us
Girls age 15, α = .70 School tell parents The school lets my parents know if I've done something good
Boys age 17, α = .70 Bullying Adults step in if anyone is harassed and bullied
Girls age 17, α = .69 Help If you don't understand something, you get help from the teacher straight away
Psychosomatic health complaints Headachea How often have you had headache this school year? (a)
  1. Never

  2. About once a term

  3. About once a month

  4. About once a week

  5. Several times a week

  1. Seldom

  2. Occasionally

  3. Sometimes

  4. Pretty often

  5. Very often

  1. Not at all

  2. Not much

  3. Some

  4. Pretty much

  5. A lot

Boys age 15, α = .78 Depressedb Do you feel sad and depressed without knowing why?
Girls age 15, α = .82 Frightenedb Do you ever feel frightened without knowing why?
Boys age 17, α = .79 Not good enoughb How often do you feel you are not good enough?
Girls age 17, α = .81 Slept uneasilya How often this school year have you slept uneasily and woken up during the night?
Sluggish/uneasyb Do you feel sluggish and uneasy?
Appetitea How often have you had a bad appetite?
Change yourselfc How much would you like to change yourself?
Nervous tummya How often this year have you had “nervous tummy?”
Falling asleepa How often this school year have you had difficulties falling asleep?