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. 2017 May 4;22(18):30527. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.18.30527

Table 3. Most frequently reported suspected adverse reactions (with reporting rates   1% ) by age group and time of onset, United Kingdom and Finland, 2015/16 (n = 2,029).

Preferred term Time of onset
≤ 7 days > 7 days Total
n % CI n % CI n % CI
Vaxigrip (n = 1,012)
6 months to < 6 years (n = 496)
Cough 5 1.0 0.1–1.9 0 5 1.0 0.1–1.9
Pyrexia 7 1.4 0.4–2.4 1 0.2 0.0–1.1 8 1.6 0.5–2.7
Rhinorrhoea 5 1.0 0.1–1.9 1 0.2 0.0–1.1 6 1.2 0.2–2.2
≥ 6 to < 13 years (n = 111)
Vaccination site erythema 2 1.8 0.2–6.4 0 2 1.8 0.2–6.4
≥ 13 to < 18 years (n = 19)
No data reported for this group
≥ 18 to ≤ 65 years (n = 149)
No suspected AR ≥ 1% of total reported for this group
> 65 years (n = 237)
Cough 3 1.3 0.3–3.7 1 0.4 0.0–2.3 4 1.7 0.5–4.3
Fatigue 2 0.8 0.1–3.0 1 0.4 0.0–2.3 3 1.3 0.3–3.7
Headache 3 1.3 0.3–3.7 1 0.4 0.0–2.3 4 1.7 0.5–4.3
Influenza-like illness 5 2.1 0.3–3.9 0 5 2.1 0.3–3.9
Malaise 3 1.3 0.3–3.7 2 0.8 0.1–3.0 5 2.1 0.3–3.9
Nasopharyngitis 3 1.3 0.3–3.7 0 3 1.3 0.3–3.7
Oropharyngeal pain 2 0.8 0.1–3.0 1 0.4 0.0–2.3 3 1.3 0.3-3.7
Intanza b 15 µg (n = 1,017)
Vaccination site pain 10 1.0 0.4–1.6 0 10 1.0 0.4-1.6

AR: adverse reaction; CI: confidence interval.

a Not all numbers add up as vaccinees could report suspected AR in both time intervals.

b All Intanza 15 µg vaccinees were ≥ 60 years-old.