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. 2017 Apr 27;22(17):30519. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.17.30519

Table 2. Overall descriptions of the IIS in countries providing information on governance in ECDC surveys, EU/EEA, 2016 (n = 17 countries).

Country Name of the IIS Year established National (N)/subnational (S) IIS governance Financial resources IIS meets US CDC definition [1]
Belgium (Flanders) Vaccinnet 2005 S RHA RG Yes
Denmark The Danish Vaccination Register (DDV) 2013 N NIPH NG Yes
Finland The National Vaccination Registry 2011 N NIPH NG Yes
Germany ‘KV-Impfsurveillance’
[‘Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (ASHIP) vaccination monitoring’]
2011 N NIPH NG No
Hungary Országos Szakmai Információs Rendszer (OSZIR) Védőoltási és oltóanyag logisztikai alrendszer 2014 piloting N NIPH NG Yes
Iceland Central Immunisation Register 2007 N NIPH NG Yes
Ireland School Immunisation System (SIS) 2011 N MoH NG Yes
Latvia National e-Health System 2016 piloting N NHS NG and EU funds Yes
Malta National Immunisation Electronic Database 2009 N MoH and Primary Healthcare NG Yes
Netherlands Praeventis 2005 N NIPH NG Yes
Norway SYSVAK – Norwegian Immunisation Registry 1995 N NIPH NG Yes
Portugal (mainland) Vacinas 2003 (2017)a S NIPH and MoH NG Yes
Romania National Electronic Registry of Immunization 2011 N NIPH and MoH NG Yes
Slovakia National Health Information System Unknown, piloting N NHIC NG and EU funds NA
Módulo de vacunas DIRAYA 2016 S RHA RG Yes
Sweden National Vaccination Registry 2013 N NIPH NIPH No
United Kingdom (England) Child Health Information System Late 1980s S RHA NG Nob

ECDC: European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention; IIS: Immunisation Information System; EU/EEA: European Union/European Economic Area; MoH: Ministry of Health; NA: not applicable; NG: national government; NIPH: National Institute of Public Health; NHIC National Health Information Centre; NHS: National Health Service (subordinate to MoH); RG: regional government; RHA: regional health authority; US CDC: United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

a An IIS is in place in mainland Portugal since 2003 (SINUS). A new system, Vacinas, is being piloted that will include additional features to the SINUS system.

b Some subnational systems in the United Kingdom (England) fit the US CDC definition while others do not.