Correlation Coefficient (CC) between Cα-MD-RMSFs
among themselves and with crystallographic Cα-B-factor (BF) of
hCDK2 during 10 ns time scale of the MD simulations. Blue curve
depicts the plot for the average CC between Cα-RMSFs of MD1
and 2, 1 and 3, and 2 and 3 during 10 ns of the MD trajectories
time scale. The red curve is for CC between the average of three
Cα-RMSFs and Cα-B-factor during the same time for the MD trajectories.
The green curve shows the CC plot between Cα-B-factor
and Cα-RMSF of the MD1. Purple curve depicts CC between
Cα-B-factor and Cα-RMSF of the MD2 the gray curve indicates
CC between Cα-B-factor and Cα-RMSF of the MD3