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. 2017 May 11;27:33. doi: 10.1038/s41533-017-0032-z

Table 1.

Participant characteristics

Characteristic SMART group (N = 151) Standard group (N = 152)
Mean [(standard deviation (SD)]
Age (years) 41·3 (13·7) 42·6 (14·5)
ACQ-5 Score 1·78 (0·99) 1·79 (2·4)
Daily ICS dose (budesonide or equivalent), µg 805 (353) 813 (370)
On-treatment FEV1 (L) 2·62 (0·91) 2·50 (0·78)
On-treatment FEV1 % predicted 81·6 (18·9) 80·4 (20·5)
Severe exacerbations in the prior 12 months 1·55 (1·31) 1·73 (1·22)
Median (IQR)
Baseline self-reported reliever usea 2 (1 to 3) 2 (1 to 3)
Number of hospital admissions ever for asthma 1 (0 to 4) 1 (0 to 4)
N/151 (%) N/152 (%)
Male 48 (31·8) 46 (30·3)
  European 113 (74·8) 118 (77·6)
  Māori 25 (16·6) 19 (12·5)
  Pacific Islander 5 (3·3) 10 (6·6)
  Other 8 (5·3) 5 (3·3)
Number of severe exacerbations in previous 12 months
 0 14 (9·3) 11 (7·2)
 1 86 (57·0) 75 (49·3)
 2 29 (19·2) 31 (20·4)
 3 10 (6·6) 22 (14·5)
 4 5 (3·3) 6 (3·9)
 ≥5 7 (4·6) 7 (4·6)
LABA use 92 (60·9) 103 (67·8)
Combination ICS plus LABA inhaler 73 (48%) 82 (54%)
Use of written asthma self-management plan 15 (10%) 20 (13%)
Current smokers 30 (19·9) 29 (19·1)
Ex-smokers 49 (32·5) 48 (31·6)
Non-smokers 72 (47·7) 75 (49·3)

ACQ asthma control questionnaire, FEV 1 forced expiratory volume in one second, ICS inhaled corticosteroids, LABA long acting beta-agonist

a As per the ACQ question 6. ACQ question 6 is a categorical score of beta-agonist use over the preceding 7 days in the following bands: score 0—none; score 1—1 to 2 salbutamol inhalations most days; score 2—3 to 4 salbutamol inhalations most days; score 3—5 to 8 salbutamol inhalations most days; score 4—9 to 12 salbutamol inhalations most days; score 5—13 to 16 salbutamol inhalations most days; score 6—more than 16 salbutamol inhalations most days.