Strain | Fusion | Relevant genotype | No. of cultures | Mean β-galactosidase activity (Miller units) ± 95% CLa |
PFG340 | rpoS-lacZb | groE+ | 3 | 2,053 ± 191 |
PFG341 | rpoS-lacZb | groEL100 | 3 | 2,286 ± 44 |
PFG342 | PrpoS-lacZc | groE+ | 3 | 7,426 ± 873 |
PFG343 | PrpoS-lacZc | groEL100 | 3 | 8,031 ± 1,186 |
PFG334 | katE-lacZd | groE+ | 7 | 662 ± 76 |
PFG335 | katE-lacZd | groEL100 | 7 | 461 ± 99 |
PFG336 | katE-lacZd | groE+rpoS::Cm | 3 | 23 ± 3 |
PF2253 | PgroE-lacZe | rpoS+ | 7 | 585 ± 164 |
PF2259 | PgroE-lacZe | rpoS::Cm | 7 | 361 ± 41 |
PF2252 | PL-lacZf | rpoS+ | 7 | 6,112 ± 261 |
PF2258 | PL-lacZf | rpoS::Cm | 7 | 5,525 ± 1,194 |
PFG308 | sulA-lacZg | groE+ | 7 | 224 ± 59 |
PFG309 | sulA-lacZg | groEL100 | 7 | 168 ± 28 |
PFG332 | sulA-lacZg | recG groE+ | 6 | 610 ± 339 |
PFG333 | sulA-lacZg | recG groEL100 | 7 | 256 ± 38 |
Values are the means of results with the indicated number of independent cultures ± the 95% confidence limits (CL). Results from several experiments have been combined.
rpoS-lacZ is a gene fusion of lacZ to rpoS under the control of the rpoS promoter (26).
PropS-lacZ is an operon fusion that puts lacZ under the control of the rpoS promoter (26).
katE-lacZ is λ(katE::lac Kn) that puts lacZ under the control of the σ38-dependent katE promoter (53).
PgroE-lacZ is an operon fusion that puts lacZ under the control of the σ32-dependent groE promoter; the fusion does not retain the σ70-dependent groE promoter (61).
PL-lacZ is an operon fusion that puts lacZ under the control of the σ70-dependent lambda promoter (61).
sulA-lacZ is an operon fusion of Mud(Ap lac B::Tn9) to the sulA gene (D. Mount, personal communication).