Fig 5. The expression of Wfs1 and Drd1a in the adult chick brain.
The expression of Wfs1 and Drd1a in the adult chick brain, shown by mRNA in situ hybridization on coronal brain sections. The section plane is shown on image L. The probes are indicated on the left side of the figure. Both, Wfs1 and Drd1a show strong expression in rostral to medial MSt (A-F). In Acb and StPalAcb, the expression of Wfs1 is substantially weaker than in the surrounding striatal structures (A-B). The expression of Drd1a is weak in Acb and StPalAcb, and is missing in SPO (D-F). In LSt, both Wfs1 and Drd1a expression show strengthening gradient in rostrocaudal direction (A-G,J). Wfs1-expressing cells in PHi are shown in higher magnification (I). In the adult brain, ADo and APir are delineated with Wfs1 expression, but remain hardly distinguishable by Drd1a expression (H,K). Note that GP is devoid of both Drd1a and Wfs1 (B,E,G,J). For abbreviations, see list. Scale bar is 1 mm in A-H and J-K and 500 μm in I.