Most parsimonious phylogenetic tree used to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of Nanophoca vitulinoides among other genera of Phocinae. Time-calibration of nodes is performed using Higdon et al. (2007) and all corresponding time-calibrated nodes are indicated by a gray dot. The age ranges for extinct OTUs are expressed as a green bar over each relevant terminal branch; uncertainty regarding the upper age of Nanophoca vitulinoides is expressed as a light green bar. Bootstrap values exceeding 50% are indicated on the relevant branches. Geochronologic ages for the included specimens, whenever fossil or subfossil specimens have been documented: Allodesmus kernensis (Barnes, 1988), Cystophora cristata (Andreasen, 1997), Devinophoca claytoni (Koretsky & Holec, 2002), Devinophoca emryi (Koretsky & Rahmat, 2015), Enaliarctos mealsi (Mitchell & Tedford, 1973), Erignathus barbatus (West, 1980; Harington, 2008), Hadrokirus martini (Amson & Muizon, 2014), Halichoerus grypus (Repenning, 1983), Histriophoca fasciata (Repenning, 1983), Hydrurga leptonyx (Kellogg, 1922; Fleming, 1968), Kawas benegasorum (Cozzuol, 2001), Leptophoca proxima (Dewaele, Lambert & Louwye, 2017), Mirounga leonina (Avery & Klein, 2011), Monachus monachus (Stringer et al., 2008), Nanophoca vitulinoides (this study), Ommatophoca rossi (Fleming, 1968), Otaria byronia (Drehmer & Ribeiro, 1998), Pagophilus groenlandicus (Repenning, 1983), Phoca vitulina (Repenning, 1983), Piscophoca pacifica (Amson & Muizon, 2014), Praepusa vindobonensis (Koretsky, 2001), Pteronarctos goedertae (Berta, 1994), Pusa hispida (Repenning, 1983; Harington, 2008), and Thalassoleon mexicanus (Deméré & Berta, 2005).