Figure 31. Fore and hindlimb character acquisition and loss in pinnipedimorphs.
Selected characters and character states of fore (A–C) and hindlimbs (D–F) in Pinnipedimorpha. (A) Lesser tubercle of humerus lower than head (black), higher than head (orange), or equal in height (red). (B) Greater tubercle of humerus lower than head (black), equal (red), or higher than height head (orange). (C) Deltopectoral crest of humerus limited to the proximal half of the bone (blue) or not limited to the proximal half of the bone (black). (D) Lateral eversion of the ilium weak (black), moderate (blue), or prominent (green). (E) Height of greater trochanter of femur lower than height of head (black), equal (red), or higher than height of head (orange). (F) Suprapatellar fossa of femur absent (black) or present (red).