Tissue biopsies from patient oral cancers (46, 54, 70, and 173) and matched non-cancerous controls were homogenized, lysed and prepared for proteomic analysis by Western blot. A. Proteins were identified using antibodies specific for phosphorylated Ser153 RKIP (pRKIP), total RKIP (RKIP) and β-Actin. Protein molecular weights are shown to the left of the lots. Densitometry was performed on immunoreactive bands, with pRKIP normalized to total RKIP (B), total RKIP normalized to β-Actin (C) and pRKIP normalized to RKIP/β-Actin (D). Dashed line denotes control expression, set at 100%. Results shown are representative of 4 independent trials; statistics determined by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc correction.