Polychromatic blended images from dual source dual energy (DSDECT) (A–C) and rapid switching dual energy scans (RSDECT) (D) same patient, pancreatic tail ductal adenocarcinoma, same windowing, scans obtained 2 months apart. The DSDECT platform can create polychromatic energy images from variably "blending" data from the low (here 100kVp) and 140kVp data, with examples as shown, A) low energy (closer to 100kVp), B) mid (120kVp) and C) high (e.g. 140kVp). Low energy images emphasize contrast enhancement. Pancreatic cancer tumor (white arrow) and liver metastases (white arrowheads) are more conspicuous on the low energy images. The dotted circle indicates the area covered by dual energy imaging. Imaging outside of the circle is based solely on data from a single energy (here 100kVp). In contrast, the RSDECT scanner provides a polychromatic "quality control" series D), not meant for interpretation, and based solely on the 140kVp polychromatic data. We have nevertheless found this series useful as an adjunct for interpretation.