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. 2017 May 18;3(2):00094-2016. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00094-2016


Summary characteristics for participants at the enrolment study visit

Total cohort Males Females p-value#
Subjects n 734 223 511
Age years 34 (28–40) 37 (32–43) 32 (27–38) <0.001
Smoking status <0.001
 Current 90 (12) 62 (28) 28 (5)
 Former 82 (11) 44 (20) 37 (7)
 Never 562 (77) 116 (52) 446 (87)
Household asset ownership index+ ns
 Lowest quartile 235 (32) 62 (28) 173 (34)
 Second quartile 173 (24) 57 (26) 116 (23)
 Third quartile 177 (24) 58 (26) 119 (23)
 Highest quartile 140 (19) 42 (19) 98 (19)
High-risk occupation§ 237 (32) 117 (52) 120 (23) <0.001
Cooking fuel type 0.001
 Charcoal 297 (40) 70 (31) 227 (44)
 Firewood 428 (58) 149 (67) 279 (55)
Self-reported pulmonary disease history
 Pulmonary tuberculosis 60 (8) 26 (12) 34 (7) 0.02
 Pneumocystis pneumonia 38 (5) 14 (6) 24 (5) ns
 Cryptococcal pneumonia 4 (1) 2 (1) 2 (<1) ns
CD4 count ns
 <100 cells·μL−1 198 (27) 73 (33) 125 (24)
 100–349 cells·μL−1 441 (60) 124 (56) 317 (62)
 350–499 cells·μL−1 59 (8) 18 (8) 41 (8)
 ≥500 cells·μL−1 34 (5) 7 (3) 27 (5)
Viral load 0.01
 ≤10 000 copies·mL−1 79 (11) 14 (6) 65 (13)
 >10 000 copies·mL−1 649 (88) 206 (92) 443 (87)
Study visits per participant n 20 (7–28) 16 (7–28) 21 (8–28) ns
Observation time years 5 (2–7) 4 (2–7) 5 (2–7) ns

Data are presented as n (%) or median (interquartile range), unless otherwise stated. #: p-values for comparisons between sexes, calculated using t-test for normally distributed variables, Wilcoxon rank sum testing for non-normally distributed variables and Chi-squared testing for dichotomous and categorical variables; : never-smokers defined as those who did not smoke prior to cohort enrolment and continued not to smoke; former smokers defined as those who smoked prior to cohort enrolment, but did not smoke throughout the duration of the study; current smokers defined as those who smoked at cohort enrolment and continued to smoke throughout the duration of the study; +: constructed following the method of Filmer and Pritchett [9], using the following binary indicator variables: home ownership; land ownership; livestock ownership; presence of the following items (yes/no) in the household: iron, stove, fridge, phone, motorcycle, clock, bed, sofa, bike, television, lantern, cupboard, shoes, car, radio, mattress or electricity; characteristics of the home: flushing toilet, cement wall, cement floor or piped water; §: includes farmer, cook, motorcyclist, brick worker, builder, carpenter, cattle keeper, dry cleaner and sand miner. ns: nonsignificant.