Conformational change of 4-2.J41.gp41(BG505) and its double cysteine mutant, DC4-2.J41.gp41(BG505) Envs with increased concentration of sCD4. To check the sCD4-induced conformational changes resulting from the exposure of epitopes for antibodies, 447-52D and 17b, the 4-2.J41.gp41(BG505) Env and the double cysteine mutant (I201C/A433C) Env, DC4-2.J41.gp41(BG505) incubated with increasing molar concentrations of sCD4 (1×, 5×, and 20×) followed by IP/Western blot analysis indicates a 20 m excess of sCD4 is needed to expose epitopes of 447-52D (top panel) and 17b (bottom panel).