Figure 4.
Thermal denaturation measurements of βSH3/GK constructs in the absence and presence of AID peptide. a, amino acid composition of βSH3/GK constructs (black and red numbers denote β1a and β2a, respectively). b, temperature denaturation curves for selected βSH3/GK constructs with and without AID. c, summary of transition melting temperatures for the constructs β1a-SH3/GK, β2a-SH3/GK, β2a-SH3(β1aRT)GK, and β1aSH3/β2aGK. Each data set represents two independent sets of quadruplicate measurements. Paired Student's t test analyses for ± AID were performed relative to β1a-SH3/GK. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.