Figure 2. Fe–S transfer experiments using ISCA1 and ISCA2 recombinant proteins.
(a) UV-visible spectra obtained by mixing Fe2S2-ISCA2 with apo-ISCU (left panels) and apo-ISCA2 and Fe2S2-ISCU (right panels). (b) Monitoring of the apo-ferredoxin (thin line, 100 μM) and as-isolated Fe2S2-ISCA2 (bold line, 200 μM) mixture after 15 min (dotted line) and 30 min (dashed line) incubation. The inset shows the UV-visible spectrum of the Fe2S2-ferredoxin (20 μM) obtained after separation onto a NiNTA column. (c) ACO2 (0.2 nmol) activity after incubation with tenfold excess of as-isolated ISCA1 (0.9 Fe/monomer) or ISCA2 (0.6 Fe/monomer) at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 min. Reconstituted ACO2 (0.2 nmol, 3.8 iron/protein) was used as positive control to set the 100% activity. Data are represented as the mean of three measurements±s.d.