ITC experiments showed significant preference of Ub19‐AS_67 fusion construct to LC3C. Titrations of all other human ATG8 proteins with Ub19‐AS_67 fusion construct revealed weak interactions and do not differ significantly from Ub19‐AS_67 dilution heat. In contrast, titration of LC3C with Ub19‐AS_67 fusion construct shows a relatively strong interaction (
D 2.4 μM, ΔH −7.2 kcal/mol, and ΔS +1.4 cal/mol/K) comparable to that for p62 and NBR1 LIR interactions to LC3B (Rozenknop
et al,
2011). Top panels display the raw heat per injection, and the lower panels display the integrated heat per titration over molar ratio (protein: Ub19‐AS_67).