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. 2017 Jan 6;11(5):1276–1281. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2016.185

Table 1. Genome statistics and selected metabolic features encoded in available (meta)genomes of Woeseiaceae/JTB255.

(Meta)genome name SAG 1868_B bin 20_j1 bin JSS_woes1 bin WOR_SG8_31a Woeseia oceanib
Accession IMG genome ID 2651869504 IMG genome ID 2651869885 IMG genome ID 2695420981 Genbank LJTI00000000 Genbank (NZ_CP016268)
Sample origin Tidal sediment Janssand/GER Tidal sediment Janssand/GER Tidal sediment Janssand/GER Estuarine sediment WOR/USA Coastal sediment Xiaoshi Island/CN
Genome statistics
 Assembly size (bp) 2 277 554 2 404 210 8 121 065 5 968 366 4 059 891
 GC (%) 59.9 56.5 57.8 62.6 57.8
 Predicted genes (IMG gene calling) 2333 2424 9718c 5821 3646
 Scaffolds 358 298 607 266 1
 N50 22 940 20 713 17 507 37 817
 Marker gene completeness (%) 48.3 48.4 (92.5d) 100a 100
 tRNAs 26 25 54 68 45
 rRNAs 5S, 16S, 23S 5S, 16S, 23S 5S, 16S, 23S 5S, 16S 5S, 16S, 23S
 Autotrophic carbon fixation Rubisco II, PRK Rubisco I, PRK
 Dissimilatory sulfur oxidation SoxABCDHXYZ SoxABCDXYZ AprAB SoxABCDHWXYZ
 Group 1d [NiFe] uptake hydrogenase + + +
 Cytochrome c oxidase (O2 respiration) + + + + +
 Denitrification NirS, NorB NorB NirS, NorB NirS, NorB NirS, NorB
 Glycosyl hydrolases (families) 22 (6) 20 (7) 54 (17) 13 (6) 19 (9)e
 Glycosyl hydrolases per Mbp 10 8 7 2 5
 Peptidases (S=serine; M=metallo) 114 (S:40, M: 44) 119 (S:43, M: 40) 486 (S:170, M: 205) 262 (S:97, M: 94) 222 (S: 82, M: 85)
 Peptidases per Mbp 50 50 60 44 55
 Peptidase/glycosyl hydrolase per Mbp 5 6.3 8.6 22 11

Abbreviation: PRK, phosphoribulokinase.


For details see Baker et al., 2015.


RAST gene calling (see Supplementary Information).


Includes a 2.2 × duplication of single copy genes.


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