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. 2017 May 16;4(1):2055102917707181. doi: 10.1177/2055102917707181

Table 2.

Measures used in the study.

Continuity of care Do you have at the moment in diabetes care (a) a family or regular doctor, (b) a family or regular nurse, (c) a written care plan? 1 = no, 2 = yes
Importance of continuity of care How important is it to you to have a family/regular doctor? 1 = not at all important, 2 = quite important, 3 = very important
Access to care When needed, have you gotten in your current and principal primary care health center quickly enough (a) contact with a doctor by phone, e-mail, or Internet; (b) contact with a nurse by phone, e-mail, or Internet; (c) appointment time to a doctor; (d) appointment time to a nurse; (e) referral to a specialized doctor? 1 = almost never, 2 = sometimes, 3 = most of the time, 4 = always
Diabetes counseling Have you gotten in your current and principal primary care health center information, advice, and guiding on (a) diabetes as a disease, (b) use of diabetes medication … (o) suitable physical exercise? (15 items, range 1 = not at all, 3 = enough)
Patient-centered care (CCM) The 20-item form of the PACIC-scale (The Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care; range: 1 = almost never, 5 = almost always, Cronbach’s alpha reliability α = 0.94). Example item: I was asked for my ideas when we made a treatment plan (Glasgow et al., 2005)
Trust The 13-item scale measuring trust in health care personnel, (range: 1 = fully disagree, 5 = fully agree, α = 0.92). The scale was created for this study and is based on trust scales by Calnan and Sanford (2004), Calnan and Rowe (2006), Van der Schee et al. (2007), Egede and Ellis (2008), Hall et al. (2002), and Laamanen et al. (2006). Example item: I trust the professional expertise of my doctor
SDT variables
Perceived autonomy support from one’s physician (n.d.) The short 6-item form of Health Care Climate Questionnaire (HCCQ; range: 1 = fully disagree, 5 = fully agree, α = 0.95). Example item: I feel that my physician has provided me choices and options (
Autonomous regulation (motivation) scale (n.d.) Eight items from the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire (TSRQ; range: 1 = not at all true, 7 = very true, α = 0.86). Example item: The reason I follow my diet and exercise regularly is that I personally believe that these are important in remaining healthy (

SDT: self-determination theory; CCM: Chronic Care Model.