SPC mapping for selected seeds with GSR. (a) UI of the “import CSV RoI coordinates” plugin with M1 seed selected (green RoI) and cross-hair hovering over BC. and coordinates for each seed are loaded from a user-defined CSV that is displayed in the table of the right panel. (b) MBE UI output of SPC Map from the M1 seed in the left hemisphere. The position of seeds for BC and M1 was adjusted to maximize the remote correlation between them. Their positions are still within the general region of motor and barrel cortex.36 The correlation value at the cross-hair (BC) is displayed in the top-left of the window ( with the M1 seed). (c) Atlas of the dorsal region of the cortex (adapted from the Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas.16,36 (d) Raw green fluorescence data from a single frame from an image stack and the location selected for the skull anatomical landmark bregma that is the origin for the coordinate system. (e) Correlation maps for seed pixel located in right (upper maps) and left (lower maps) V1, BC, HL, M1, and RS.