(A) Western blot probed with ubiquitin (Ub) antibodies shows ubiquitin expression patterns in w1118, 19-2/19-2, leon1/19-2, leon2/19-2, and postsynaptic expression of UAS-leon or UAS-ED-leon driven by 24B-GAL4 in leon1/19-2. α-Tub as control. (B) Images show FK2 (green) and HRP (red) immunostaining of NMJs in w1118, leon2/19-2 and leon1/19-2, and postsynaptic expression of UAS-leon or UAS-ED-leon driven by 24B-GAL4 in leon1/19-2. The single FK2 images (right) are also shown. Arrowheads indicate synaptic regions. Scale bar, 10 μm.