A) Examining expressions of
pll in
pllRNAi by RT-PCR. The mRNA levels of
pll decreased in
24B>pllRNAi as compared to GAL4 control. The mRNA expression of
Rpl19 serves as control. (
B) Postsynaptic expression of mCD8GFP by
24B-GAL4 shows SSR enriched GFP signals with magnification on the right. Scale bars: left, 10 μm and right, 5 μm. (
C) Immunostaining images of NMJs for GFP and GluRIIA show suppression of mCD8GFP-labeled SSR in
leon1/19-2 by RNAi transgenes for
dlg and
dpak, and suppression of GluRIIA enlargement by RNAi transgenes for
dl-B and
cact. Scale bar, 5 μm. (
D) Bar graphs show means ± SEM of GFP-positive zone thickness and GluRIIA intensity and diameter. Comparisons to
leon1/19-2 were assessed by Student’s
t tests with n.s. indicating no significance and *** for p<0.001. The detail statistic numbers are in
Supplementary file 1.