Oxidation of both methionine residues in GRGMGRGMGRL via a single ion/ion reaction with a periodate cluster. CID of (a) ion/ion complex between doubly protonated GRGMGRGMGRL and H(IO4)2−, (b) the doubly oxidized [M+H+2(O)]+ species, and (c) the 64 Da loss (CH3SOH) from the doubly oxidized species. Insets show methionine residues in GRGMGRGMGRL where (a) both Met residues are oxidized, (b) one of the Met residues has undergone loss of CH3SOH (64 Da), and (c) both Met residues have lost CH3SOH. Lightning bolts indicate species subjected to CID, asterisks indicate ammonia losses, and degree signs indicate water losses. Hollow square superscripts indicate species that have lost one CH3SOH group while solid square superscripts indicate species that have lost two CH3SOH groups.