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. 2017 May 22;11:248. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00248

Table 7.

Studies providing functional data focused on the violent contents of VG.

Ref. Year N Sample Age VG experience VG genre Technique Design Neural correlates
Bartholow et al., 2006 2006 39 Healthy young adults 19.50 Violent VGP Non-violent VGP “Violent” VG
“Non-violent” VG
EEG (ERP) Quasi experimental (with control group) Violent vs. Non-violent:
▾ P300 amplitudes
Mathiak and Weber, 2006* 2006 13 Healthy young adults, male (18–26) VGP (15.1 ± 9.0 h/week) Action, First Person
fMRI Quasi-experimental During violent scenes:
▴ dACC
▾ rACC
▾ Amygdala
Weber et al., 2006* 2006 13 Healthy young adults 23.00 (18–26) VGP (15.1 h/week) Action, First
Person Shooter
fMRI Experimental (crossover) During virtual violence exposure:
▾ Amygdala
Wang et al., 2009 2009 44 Healthy adolescents 14.8 ± 1.2 (Violent group)
15.0 ± 1.1 (Non-violent group)
Sports, Racing Action, First person shooter fMRI Experimental (randomized) Violent vs. Non-violent (Counting Stroop task):
▾ PFC Violent vs. Non-violent (Counting Stroop task, FC):
▾ dlPFC & ACC (left) Violent vs. Non-violent (Emotional Stroop task):
▴ Amygdala (right)
▾ Medial PFC Violent vs. Non-violent (Emotional Stroop task, FC):
▾ Amygdala & Medial PFC (non-violent group) = FC (violent group)
Hummer et al., 2010 2010 45 Healthy adolescents 14.9 ± 0.3 (Non-violent)
14.5 ± 0.3 (Violent)
Sports, Racing Action, First Person Shooter fMRI Experimental (randomized) Violent vs. Non-violent (Go/No-go):
▾ dlPFC (right)
Non-violent VG (FC):
▾ dlPFC & ▴ PCu
Regenbogen et al., 2010* 2010 22 Healthy young adults, male 25.9 ± 2.9 VGP (131 h/year violent VG)
Low or Non-VGP (6 h/year violent VG)
Violent VG fMRI Quasi-experimental (with control group) Real vs. Non-violent content (VGP):
▴ IFG (right)
▴ Lingual gyrus (left)
▴ STG Virtual vs. Non-violent content (VGP):
▴ IFG (bilateral)
▴ Occipital cortex
▴ PoCG
▴ MTG (right)
▴ FG (left)
Real vs. Non-violent content (Control):
▴ Frontal regions (left)
▴ Insula
Virtual vs. Non-violent content (Control):
▴ Posterior regions
Bailey et al., 2011* 2011 48 Healthy young adults, male 19.73 ± 1.28 (low VGP)
19.87 ± 3.52 (high VGP)
Low VGP (3 h/week)
High VGP (33 h/week)
“Violent” VG EEG (ERP) Quasi-experimental (with control group) High vs. Low VGP: (Negative & violent) vs. (neutral and positive) stimuli:
▾ FCz (@125 ms)
▾ Oz (@280 ms)
Early posterior negativity (EPN)
▴ PO4 & F9 (500-1000 ms) Late positive potential (LPP) High (positive & violent vs. neutral stimuli) vs. Low VGP (Positive vs. neutral stimuli):
▾ Fpz (@100 ms)
▴ C3, CP3 (400–900 ms)
▾ Iz (400–900 ms)
Low vs. High VGP (negative vs. violent stimuli):
▴ F9 (sustained)
▴ TP8 (sustained)
▴ PO9 (@300 ms)
Engelhardt et al., 2011 2011 70 Healthy young adults (18–22) Violent VGP Non-violent VGP Action, First Person
Shooter, Adventure
Action, Adventure,
Sports, Platforms
EEG (ERP) Quasi-experimental (with control group) Violent vs. Non-violent:
▾ P3 component at parietal (P3, Pz, and P4) regions
Mathiak et al., 2011* 2011 13 Healthy young adults, male 22.7 ± 2.0 VGP (15.1 ± 9.0 h/week) Action, First Person Shooter fMRI Quasi-experimental (Failure & success events) vs. Baseline:
▴ Visual cortex Failure vs. Success events:
▾ CN Negative vs. Positive affect (only failure events):
▾ Temporal pole (right)
Montag et al., 2012* 2012 40 Healthy young adults, male 23.33 ± 4.45 Experienced VGP in First person Shooters (18.83 ± 9.12 h/week)
Low or Non-VGP (2.00 ± 3.82 h/week)
Action, First Person Shooter fMRI Quasi-experimental (with control group) VGP vs. Control (during negative emotional stimuli):
▾ Lateral medial frontal lobe (left)
VGP vs. Control (during VG cues):
▴ Frontal regions
▴ Temporal regions
Chou et al., 2013* 2013 30 Healthy young adults 24.67 ± 4.7 VGP (3.1 h/week) Action, Fighting Action, 3D platforms SPECT Experimental (crossover) Post vs. Pre-training:
▴ Temporal cortex
▴ Occipital cortex Violent vs. Non-violent VG:
▾ dACC (in males)
Lianekhammy and Werner-Wilson, 2015* 2015 45 Healthy adolescents 14.3 ± 1.5 Brain training VG group (4.8 ± 10.6 h/week)
Violent VG group (17.7 ± 17.4 h/week)
Non-violent VG (9.3 ± 8.4 h/week)
Puzzle Action, First
Person Shooter Action,
3D platforms
EEG Experimental (randomized) High empathy vs. Low empathy:
▴ Right hemisphere frontal EEG asymmetry scores (violent and non-violent)
▴ Right hemisphere High vs. Low helpfulness:
▴ Left hemisphere (non-violent group)
Liu Y. et al., 2015 2015 49 Healthy young adults 20.76 ± 1.76 Strategy
Sports, Racing
EEG (ERP) Experimental (randomized) Prosocial vs. Neutral VG:
▾ P300 amplitudes
Petras et al., 2015 2015 30 Healthy adults 25.96 (18–44) 21 Non habitual VGP (< once a week)
9 Habitual VGP (= once a week)
Action, Shooter EEG (ERP) Experimental (randomized, factorial) Egocentric vs. Bird-view perspective:
▴ N1 amplitudes (shoot task)
▾ Pre-stimulus alpha power (shoot task)
Zvyagintsev et al., 2016* 2016 18 Healthy young adults, male 25.1 ± 2.7 VGP (>5 h/week) Sports, Racing (Violent) fMRI Experimental (crossover) Violent vs. Non-violent (FC):
▾ Sensory-motor networks
▾ Reward network
▾ FPN (right)

3D, Three-dimensional; ACC, Anterior cingulate cortex; CN, Caudate nucleus; dACC, Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; dlPFC, Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; DMN, Default mode network; EEG, Electroencephalography; ERP, Event-related potentials; FC, Functional connectivity; FG, Fusiform gyrus; fMRI, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging; FPN, Frontoparietal network; IFG, Inferior frontal gyrus; MTG, Middle temporal gyrus; OFC, Orbitofrontal cortex; Pcu, Precuneus; PFC, Prefrontal cortex; PoCG, Post-central gyrus; rACC, Rostral anterior cingulate cortex; SFG, Superior frontal gyrus; SPECT, Single-photon emission computed tomography; STG, Superior temporal gyrus; VG, Video game; VGP, Video game player. Articles marked with an asterisk


discuss cognitive implications without directly assessing this dimension. Articles marked with a double asterisk

(**) did not provide either empirical cognitive data nor discuss cognitive implications. The rest of the articles (non-marked) have measured cognitive correlates with specific tasks.