Effects of muscle-specific loss of GLUT4 on overload (OVL)-induced changes in GLUT isoform protein levels. At 11–12 weeks old, female WT/control (WT/CON), mGLUT4 HET, and mGLUT4 KO mice underwent unilateral synergist ablation surgery to induce plantaris muscle hypertrophy. After 5 days, muscles were excised and processed to assess GLUT isoform protein levels by immunoblot (IB) analysis. Representative blots and quantification are provided above. Statistical significance was defined as P < 0.05 and denoted as follows: a, vs. sham; b, vs. WT/CON; c, vs. mGLUT4 HET; d, genotype main effect vs. WT/CON; e, genotype main effect vs. mGLUT4 HET. N = 5–7 muscles/group.