Figure 11. Synaptic block of P-EN neurons disrupts E-PG activity.
(A) Walking statistics for flies across temperatures and across genotypes. (Ai) Example rotational velocity (top) and forward velocity (bottom) distributions for single trials for control (left, shiTS expressed in Empty Gal4) and P-EN blocked (right, shiTS expressed in the P-EN containing line R37F06, herein referred to as P-EN line 2). (Aii) Walking statistics at room temperature (RT, black) and at 31°C (red) for the control line and for two lines that express shiTS in the P-EN neurons. P-EN line one is GAL4-VT008135. The standard deviation of the rotational velocity is plotted at top, while the median of the forward velocity is shown at bottom. Lines show the means of all values. (B) Recordings at 31°C for one fly with shiTS expressed in empty Gal4. (Top) E-PG activity recorded in the ellipsoid body. (Center) The E-PG PVA strength. (Bottom) E-PG PVA and fly heading. The PVA is only shown when the PVA strength exceeds 0.025. (C) Same as in A, but now for a fly with shiTS expressed in the P-EN neurons (P-EN line 2). The PVA strength is lower and the bump movement is sporadic. The PVA is only shown when the PVA strength exceeds 0.025. (D) Mean bump amplitude at RT and at 31°C for all flies and fly lines (N = 10 for the control, N = 9 for P-EN line 1, N = 10 for P-EN line 2, bootstrapping gives p=0.0056 (**) and p=6.0×10−4 (***)). (E) Comparison of the firing rate model predictions and the shiTS data. (Left) E-PG bump amplitude as a function of the P-EN to E-PG synaptic efficacy for the firing rate model. (Center) The predicted ellipsoid body activity for three points along the curve that are marked with orange circles. (Right) The mean and standard deviation of the ellipsoid body activity across trials for the control fly shown in B and the shiTS > P-EN line 2 fly shown in C. The synaptic efficacy for the shiTS fly, likely less than 1, is unknown.